Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis). Though oil is important to Ecuador’s economy, nothing is worth destroying an invaluable environment that serves as home to such a rich array of animals, plants, and people. Deforestation occurs to make room for crops, farm animals and other agricultural endeavors, as well as oil development. This is largely due to new construction projects on the island and lumbering, and this issue is further exacerbated by conflicts between local populations and … Fewer than 5,000 of these frogs with transparent skin remain. This beautiful bird has been in danger of extinction since 2014. Among the cutest animals in the Amazon Rainforest, giant otters can grow up to 1.7 metres long and can be found in the… In the year 2002 it was considered convenient to carry out the monument to raise awareness of the danger that the animal runs. EFE/José Jácome Andean condors were revered by the Incas but now face a fragile future in South America and are in danger of extinction. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has declared the Andean Condor near threatened. Poison Dart Frog. Sadly, some of Ecuador’s wildlife faces an uncertain future. Shape The World. It is a medium nocturnal mammal, inhabiting tropical and subtropical areas. Authorities in Ecuador have detained 20 Chinese crewmembers on a ship found near the Galapagos holding 300 tons of frozen marine animals — some from species in danger of extinction. GUAYAQUIL PARROT. Furtastic Hanukkah Gifts Your Howliday Hosts Will Love. These birds owe their name to Darwin, as they were part of his investigation in his … For a complete list of endangered species in South America, browse the South America endangered species list. Nine reptile and 192 amphibian species are endangered in Ecuador, according to the Earth's Endangered Creatures site. Ecuador is monitoring a large fleet of fishing vessels off the Galapagos Islands. This is the first thing most people associate with the word "extinction," and not … Dear @LuckyDiamond – What should I get my best cat friend for Hanukkah? Others are in danger from being hunted. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Some call it a floating city, a flotilla of 260 mostly Chinese fishing vessels near the Galapagos archipelago that is stirring diplomatic tension and raising worries about the threat to sharks, manta rays and other vulnerable species in … Ecuador has a very abundant variety of monkeys, although many are in danger of extinction. Sarah Whitman's work has been featured in newspapers, magazines, websites and informational booklets. The tiger is one of the most threatened animals in the world, it is sadly hunted for its invaluable: skin, eyes, bones and even organs. Asteroid Strikes. If foreign companies continue to be allowed to destroy precious environments such as those in Ecuador, there will be detrimental consequences for various indigenous populations, their 4-legged friends, and the thousands of other species that inhabit these regions. Copyright © 2020 Animal Fair | Wendy Diamond | Pet lifestyle Expert | Animal Rescue Advocate/ Celebrity Pets. Some of the species found in their forests are: - Pygmy marmoset. 13. This leads to significant habitat loss and food loss for animals. Endangered amphibians include more than a hundred species of frogs, toads and salamanders. It is our responsibility to protect and preserve the planet that we call home. This country, with Darwin's Galapagos Islands to the east, is home to unique and historically significant species of all shapes and sizes. Species listed as critically endangered are the Spiny Rat Species and the endemic Galapagos Rice Rat. Living in poor areas of the western part of Ecuador the main characteristics of this subspecies is their social behavior, reproduction and life cycle, ... TOUCAN ANDEAN. She also specializes in companion animal health, encouraging the use of whole foods, supplements and other holistic approaches to pet care. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Be Her Village. Endangered sharks include not only the great white, but hammerhead, liver-oil, oceanic whitetip, basking, sharpfin, speckled smoothhound, whale, crown and Galapagos sharks. Reptiles include crocodiles, iguanas, caimans, tortoises and turtles, including the tartaruga and tracaja. Each of these species is critically important to its ecosystem and must be protected. The Condor in Andean Culture It is up to us to get the jaguar, giant otter, and so many more amazing animals off the endangered species list! Several kinds of bats, rats, weasels, otters, opossums, mice, hogs, dogs and other creatures face threats. Threat: Pollution, bycatch and climate change are all threats to Galapagos Penguin. It is extremely important that these people, their way of life, and the thousands of species that inhabit the region are not harmed by the selfish endeavors of corporations searching for oil and other natural resources to suck out of Ecuador. Both the Giant Otter, Pteronura brasiliensis, and the Neotropical Otter, Lutra longicaudis, belong naturally in the eastern lowlands. Like many other species in Central and South America, the pygmy three-toed sloth is facing extinction due to the habitat destruction and degradation. 5- Monkeys . Animals in the Indian Ocean & What They Eat. To help preserve Ecuadorian rainforests, click here to donate to the World Land Trust. Once seemingly everywhere in Ecuador’s capital and national parks, the species hadn’t been spotted since the late 1980 s. Suddenly, last year, scientists discovered a … She is currently pursuing a master's degree in nutrition, and her projects feature nutrition and cooking, whole foods, supplements and organics. Ecuadorian Amazon parrot. - black-necked tití. PEAK COLIBRI SWORD. DARWIN’S FINCH. On the endangered list you will find the Mountain Tapir, Pacarana, Colombian Weasel, Blue Whale, Fin Whale, Giant Armadillo, Giant Otter and a … A species of sea turtle that is in serious danger of extinction along with the leatherback turtle. This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Ecuador.There are 317 mammal species in Ecuador, of which two are critically endangered, ten are endangered, twenty-three are vulnerable, and seven are near threatened.Two of the species listed for Ecuador are considered to be extinct. Bigeye tuna. Also, because of their size they have numerous predators. These include reptiles, amphibians, mammals, fish, corals, sea anemones, snails and crustaceans. Nine reptile and 192 amphibian species are endangered in Ecuador, according to the Earth's... Mammals and Rodents. Baulan turtle. Among the endangered list is the Amazon glass frog. © 2020 WILD SKY MEDIA. Animals in and around Ecuador are endangered for many reasons, including coastal and land development, overfishing, water pollution, hunting, habitat loss, pet trades and animals being killed as nuisances. The Galapagos Penguin is the second smallest species of penguin and found mainly on Fernandina Island and Isabela. It reaches eighty … Therefore, all endangered species of Ecuador may not be listed here. Population … of species that inhabit this region of Ecuador and are found nowhere else in the world. The program was originally created based on the idea that environmentally friendly initiatives were beneficial to the Huaoranii people—the main indigenous group that the Ecolodge supports—and the thousands (382 fish species, 596 bird species, 117 bat species, over 100,000 insect species, etc.) The region also encompasses the Yasuni National Park, which is the ancestral land of several other indigenous groups in Ecuador such as the Tagaeri who attempt to preserve their ancient culture and the diverse ecosystems that they call home. Spider monkeys, night monkeys, marmosets, tamarins, woolly monkeys and capuchins are endangered. A team of ornithologists in Ecuador has identified a new species of hummingbird: a lovely blue-green creature that lives in a cold, barren highland area and is danger of extinction. The new hummingbird species Oreotrochilus cyanolaemus is said to be in danger of extinction (AFP Photo/Francisco SORNOZA) Quito (AFP) - A team of ornithologists in Ecuador has identified a new species of hummingbird: a lovely blue-green creature that lives in a cold, barren highland area and is in danger of extinction. All Rights Reserved. Each of these species is critically important to its ecosystem and must be protected. Fabulous events, special offers, and news you and your pet do not want to miss! The water is no protection as seals, sea lions and dolphins hit the endangered list as well. The Giant Otter is an endemic species of the eastern Andes … The skin of a tiger can sell for up to 50000 dollars on the illegal market. Endangered species found in Ecuador: The Earth's Endangered Creatures website lists a whopping 2,588 endangered animals in Ecuador. Whales rely on specific ocean temperatures for their migration, feeding, and reproductive habit s. As … The Ecuadorian amazon parrot ( Amazona lilacina ) is native to the mangroves and tropical forests of Ecuador. Many endangered species also inhabit the regions where Sinopec plans to hunt for oil, including: the jaguar, giant otter, ocelot, long-haired spider monkey, giant armadillo, Ecuadorian Sac-winged bat, short-eared dog, mountain tapir, pacarana, and many more. Although they increasingly attract tourism, accidental fishing, water contamination and hunting for their shells, meat or eggs has nearly decimated these animals. Many birds have been poisoned from eating the carcasses of hunted animals, presumably from the lead shot. Each year they appear near the Galapagos, attracted by marine species such as the hammerhead shark, which is in danger of extinction. - Mico screaming. PART OF WILD SKY MEDIA | FAMILY & PARENTING, Earth's Endangered Creatures: Endangered Species in Ecuador, Save Ecuador's Animals: About the Animals, Encylopedia of the Nations: Ecuador - Environment, USA Today: Facts on the Glass Frog in the Amazon Rainforest, Animals That Can Be Found on the Shore of the Pacific Ocean. Both species are on the endangered animals of Ecuador list. Rare Animals in the Everglades in Florida, Endangered Animals From the Democratic Republic of Congo. Tourism on the island and the capture of animals to keep them as pets harm the population of this species. Endangered cats include cougars, jaguars, ocelots, little spotted and pampas cats. Condors, one of the world's largest flying birds, part of the vulture family, are in danger of extinction, warned experts Tuesday. It's crazy to think that some animals might not exist in a couple of year's time... that's why we need to put a stop to it! Scientific Name: Dendrobatidae. Sinopec’s presence has forced Tropic, an Ecuadorian eco-tourism company, to close the Huorani Ecolodge, an internationally recognized program that works with indigenous populations to conserve the environment and their ancient cultures. Deforestation, water pollution and erosion destroy these animals' habitats, and often destroy the animals themselves. The threat of extinction for some of this biodiversity has dramatically increased since April 2016, during which time the Ecuadorian government has opened around 13% of the country to mining exploration, with many of the concessions in previously protected forests. The Andean spectacled bear, for example, is the only bear in South America, and fewer than 3,000 remain, according to National Geographic. In this blog we can get an idea about the animals that are in danger of extinction in our country 16 TOP OF ANIMALS IN DANGER OF EXTINCTION Publicadas por Unknown a la/s 19:30 1 comentarios Dozens of mammal species are endangered in Ecuador. Many of the fishing vessels are Chinese. But in some parts of Ecuador, the largest cat in South America is increasingly at risk as roads, mining and agriculture take over the rainforests. They do occur however in the major reserves of Ecuador's Amazon region. Keep. Bigeye tuna can be found in the subtropical and tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian, … Ecuador has suffered massive deforestation, with hundreds of thousands of acres of forest, mangrove area and other natural areas razed. Location: Central and South America. List of Endagered Animals in Ecuador Reptiles and Amphibians. Ecuador has among the world’s highest biodiversity, despite being a tiny fraction of the world’s land area. Recently, the Chinese oil company Sinopec has been approved to conduct seismic explorations in some of Ecuador’s most preserved rainforests and ecologically diverse regions. Endangered Fish… The South American coati, or ring-tailed coati, Nasua nasua, is a common predator in the Amazon region. What Native Animals live in the Murray-Darling Basin? Please help fix this environmental problem, click here to sign a petition to the President of Ecuador, the Minister of Tourism, the General Manager of Petroamazonas, and others, to resolve this crisis. For a full list of Ecuador’s endangered species, visit here. For the Best that Pet Lifestyle and animal welfare has to offer follow Wendy  Diamond on Facebook, Twitter, and right here at! Empower Her. Scientists in Ecuador have just managed to breed the Jambato frog, a native species once thought to have been extinct. Many endangered species also inhabit the regions where Sinopec plans to hunt for oil, including: the jaguar, giant otter, ocelot, long-haired spider monkey, giant armadillo, Ecuadorian Sac-winged bat, short-eared dog, mountain tapir, pacarana, and many more. Green Turtle Larger animals both on land and in the ocean prey on this small penguin. Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate. Andean condors were revered by the Incas, but now face a fragile future in South America and are in danger of extinction. Hunting and loss of habitat are the main reasons for its disappearance. Dozens of mammal species are endangered in Ecuador. Ecuador's coastal location means several species of fish are endangered, from the great white shark to the tiny Pacific seahorse, captured for use in traditional medicine and curio collection. ENDANGERED ANIMALS IN ECUADOR. Wendy Diamond | Pet lifestyle Expert | Animal Rescue Advocate/ Celebrity Pets, AF Cares, Featured Story / by Animal Fair. Note/Disclaimer: This list is made possible through a database keyword search/filtering process which may not be 100% accurate. All sea turtles are threatened with extinction, but the Hawksbill Sea Turtle is the closest to the brink, followed by its cousin, the Kemp’s ridley sea turtle. Catfish, grouper, fiddlefish, sawfish, tuna and devil fish face threats, as do several rays including bentfin and Japanese devils, black-blotched, bullseye electric, golden cownose, spotted eagle and longnose eagle rays.
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