Ficus est genus circa 850 specierum arborum, fruticum, lianarum, epiphytorum, et hemiepiphytorum familiae Moracearum; quae per tropicas endemicae sunt, nonnullis speciebus in semicalidam zonam temperatam attinentibus. Fiche technique Nom français : figuier pleureur Nom latin : Ficus benjamina Type de plante : arbuste d'appartement pour petites ou grandes pièces. Le ficus retusa ou ginseng, plus souvent cultivé sous forme de bonsaï : . With 800 species, Ficus is by far the largest genus in the Moraceae, and is one of the largest genera of flowering plants currently described. For the species commonly known as the "ficus tree", see, "Fig tree", "Fig trees", and "Figs" redirect here. Growth Rate. Ficus Pandorata (Richard Kelton) is Quark's Spock -like science officer and is a "Vegeton", a member of a race of sentient plant life (Ficus pandorata or pandurata is better known as Ficus lyrata, the fiddle-leaf fig). Ficus pandurata), commonly known as the fiddle-leaf fig, is a species of fig tree, native to western Africa, from Cameroon west to Sierra Leone.It grows in lowland tropical rainforest.. This is an example of mutualism, in which each organism (fig plant and fig wasp) benefit each other, in this case reproductively. Many Lepidoptera caterpillars feed on fig leaves, for example several Euploea species (crow butterflies), the plain tiger (Danaus chrysippus), the giant swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes), the brown awl (Badamia exclamationis), and Chrysodeixis eriosoma, Choreutidae and Copromorphidae moths. The species can be found in Vietnam: where it may be called sung tì bà. There is evidence that figs, specifically the common fig (F. carica) and sycamore fig (Ficus sycomorus), were among the first – if not the very first – plant species that were deliberately bred for agriculture in the Middle East, starting more than 11,000 years ago. A fig "fruit" is a type of multiple fruit known as a syconium, derived from an arrangement of many small flowers on an inverted, nearly closed receptacle. Installez votre ficus benjamina dans une pièce où la température est comprise entre 15 et 23 °C. [11] Nearly half of fig species are gynodioecious, and therefore have some plants with inflorescences (syconium) with long styled pistillate flowers, and other plants with staminate flowers mixed with short styled pistillate flowers. Common name(s): Fiddle Leaf Fig, Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, Fiddleleaf Fig, Banjo Fig. Arrosez au moins 1 fois par semaine, en attendant que le sol soit sec entre 2 arrosages. The existence of cryptic species suggests that neither the number of symbionts nor their evolutionary relationships are necessarily fixed ecologically. One consists of all sections of Urostigma except for section Urostigma s. s.. Each species of fig is pollinated by one or a few specialised wasp species, and therefore plantings of fig species outside of their native range results in effectively sterile individuals. Ficus pandurata Hance: Hitta fler artiklar om växter med . "Flora Malesiana Precursor for the Treatment of Moraceae 4: "Figs and the diversity of tropical rain forests", 10.1641/0006-3568(2005)055[1053:FATDOT]2.0.CO;2, "Response to Comment on "Early Domesticated Fig in the Jordan Valley, "Comment on "Early Domesticated Fig in the Jordan Valley, "60 million years of co-divergence in the fig-wasp symbiosis", Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, "Reconstructing the phylogeny of figs (Ficus, Moraceae) to reveal the history of the fig pollination mutualism", "The species richness of fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Agaonidae, Pteromalidae) in Yemen", World checklist of Ficus species from the Catalogue of Life, How the fig tree strangles other plants for survival in the rainforest,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 December 2020, at 12:44. This ficus is a slow growing plant that may take up to 10 -15 years to reach full maturity, but after 3 or 4 years of growth it starts to become an attractive tree like ornamental house plant. Xem thêm. Ficus lyrata, commonly known as the fiddle-leaf fig, is a species of flowering plant in the mulberry and fig family Moraceae.It is native to western Africa, from Cameroon west to Sierra Leone, where it grows in lowland tropical rainforest.It can grow up to 12–15 m (39–49 ft) tall. The fruit typically has a bulbous shape with a small opening (the ostiole) at the outward end that allows access to pollinators. Fruiting Period. Jun 2, 2018 - Explore Midori Saito's board "Ficus Lyrata" on Pinterest. holophylla Migo; 参考文献 The wood of fig trees is often soft and the latex precludes its use for many purposes. Fig wasps are not known to transmit any diseases harmful to humans. Fig fruits, especially the exocarp (skin) and seeds, contain monosaccharide sugars and mixed phytochemicals, such as flavonoids, gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, rutin, and epicatechins, the contents of which are higher in dark figs compared to those in light-colored varieties. Feuillage : Feuilles d’un beau vert, ondulées sur les bords, en forme de violon, de 40 cm de longueur et 25 cm de largeur. The intimate association between fig species and their wasp pollinators, along with the high incidence of a one-to-one plant-pollinator ratio have long led scientists to believe that figs and wasps are a clear example of coevolution. The fig fruit is an enclosed inflorescence, sometimes referred to as a syconium, an urn-like structure lined on the inside with the fig's tiny flowers. The common fig (F. carica) is a temperate species native to southwest Asia and the Mediterranean region (from Afghanistan to Portugal), which has been widely cultivated from ancient times for its fruit, also referred to as figs. They create quite an accent by a patio or in shrub … Dimensions : jusqu'à 3 m. Exposition : pleine lumière tamisée par un voile, ombre légère. Fig trees have profoundly influenced culture through several religious traditions. Evergreen. The real proportion is higher because not all wasp species were detected. [26], This traditional classification has been called into question by recent phylogenetic studies employing genetic methods to investigate the relationships between representative members of the various sections of each subgenus. With adequate growing … Texture . ... Ficus lyrata can be used in containers or planter when young or can be planted to make a striking specimen tree. Jun 2, 2018 - Explore Midori Saito's board "Ficus Lyrata" on Pinterest. The fig fruit is also one of the traditional crops of Israel, and is included in the list of food found in the Promised Land, according to the Torah (Deut. Ficus communis, Ficus carica rite appellata, est species temperata in Asia meridioccidentali et regione … However, as with any plant, figs grown from seed are not necessarily genetically identical to the parent and are only propagated this way for breeding purposes. [23] These cryptic species lacked evidence of genetic introgression or backcrosses indicating limited fitness for hybrids and effective reproductive isolation and speciation.[23]. Nine subfossil F. carica figs dated to about 9400–9200 BCE were found in the early Neolithic village Gilgal I (in the Jordan Valley, 13 km north of Jericho). Ficus est genus circa 850 specierum arborum, fruticum, lianarum, epiphytorum, et hemiepiphytorum familiae Moracearum; quae per tropicas endemicae sunt, nonnullis speciebus in semicalidam zonam temperatam attinentibus. Le ficus lyrata est une plante d’origine tropicale qui a besoin d’eau et d’humidité ambiante. Ficus platypoda (Miq) A.Cunn, known as desert fig or rock fig, is endemic to central, northern Australia, and Indonesia. The main radiation of extant species, however, may have taken place more recently, between 20 and 40 million years ago. Posee unas hojas muy características y son su punto de atracción, en forma de violín, miden no menos de 20 cm. In Asia, as many as 70 or more species can co-exist. The many small flowers are unseen unless the fig is cut open. Ficus) je rod rastlín z čeľade moruÅ¡ovité ().. Slovenským názvom fikus sa v užšom zmysle označujú len ozdobné (najmä ozdobné izbové) druhy z tohto rodu, a to najmä tie, ktoré majú tvrdé lesklé tmavozelené elipsovité listy.. Do rodu figovník patrí viac ako 800 druhov tropických i subtropických drevín. Ficus lyrata. Some better-known species that represent the diversity of the genus include the common fig, a small, temperate deciduous tree whose fingered fig leaf is well known in art and iconography; the weeping fig (F. benjamina), a hemiepiphyte with thin, tough leaves on pendulous stalks adapted to its rain forest habitat; the rough-leaved sandpaper figs from Australia; and the creeping fig (F. pumila), a vine whose small, hard leaves form a dense carpet of foliage over rocks or garden walls. [18][19] Ripe fruits contain higher amounts of polyphenols and sugar than unripe fruits, and drying generally increases the contents of these constituents per unit of weight.[18][19]. Température de culture : de 14 à 23 °C. This classification put functionally dioecious species into four subgenera based on floral characters. Ficus jollyana A. Chev. When a caprifig ripens, another caprifig must be ready to be pollinated. The oldest living plant of known planting date is a Ficus religiosa tree known as the Sri Maha Bodhi planted in the temple at Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka by King Tissa in 288 BCE. Distribution and habitat: Ficus lyrata is a species of fig tree, native to western Africa. 23-jul-2020 - Explora el tablero de Lourdes de la Mora "Ficus lyrata" en Pinterest. Tree of Round Canopy Shape. Similarly, the sweet potato whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) is frequently found as a pest on figs grown as potted plants and is spread through the export of these plants to other localities. Ficus é un xénero de arboriñas da familia Moraceae.Entre as especies do xénero áchanse as figueiras e os ficus.Hai máis de 1.000 especies de figueiras no mundo, especialmente en climas tropicais e subtropicais (o xénero Ficus é un dos maiores do reino vexetal).O representante tipo é a figueira (Ficus carica), cultivada en Galiza.Hai tamén especies ornamentais Figs have figured prominently in some human cultures. Mutuba (F. natalensis) is used to produce barkcloth in Uganda. 南. Ficus pandurata is a fig species in the family Moraceae. linearis Migo Sung tì bà , sung tỳ bà hay sung lá đàn , [1] tên khoa học Ficus pandurata , là một loài thá»±c vật có hoa trong họ Moraceae . Ficus platypoda (Miq) A.Cunn, known as desert fig or rock fig, is endemic to central, northern Australia, and Indonesia. Leaves of the sacred fig (Ficus religiosa), Fig tree roots overgrowing a sandstone Buddha statue, near Wat Maha That in Ayutthaya province, Thailand, Ficus tree in front of Sarkaradevi Temple, Kerala, India, Genus of flowering plants in the mulberry family Moraceae, This article is about the genus of woody plants. Ficus është një grup bimësh tropikale që i takojnë familjes Moraceae.Përfaqësuesi më i njohur i këtij grupi është Fiku (lat. For example, in Hawaii, some 60 species of figs have been introduced, but only four of the wasps that fertilize them have been introduced, so only four species of figs produce viable seeds there and can become invasive species. Avoid lower than 55°F (12°C). Figovník alebo fikus (zastarano: fík; lat. URI: Definition: the ratio of the dry mass of a leaf to its area show all records kayu aro; … Loài này được Warb mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1894. Ficus është një grup bimësh tropikale që i takojnë familjes Moraceae.Përfaqësuesi më i njohur i këtij grupi është Fiku (lat. California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. (1996): List of foliage plant diseases (Moraceae), "A Key to Subgroups of Dioecious* (Gynodioecious) Figs Based On Fig Wasp/Male Syconium Pollination Patterns", "Phylogenetic relationships, historical biogeography and character evolution of fig-pollinating wasps", "The incidence and pattern of copollinator diversification in dioecious and monoecious figs", "Critical review of host specificity and its coevolutionary implications in the fig/fig-wasp mutualism", "Cryptic species of fig-pollinating wasps: Implications for the evolution of the fig-wasp mutualism, sex allocation, and precision of adaptation", "Phylogenetic relationships of functionally dioecious. Ficus carica), frutet e të cilit përdoren si ushqim i zakonshëm.Ky grup përbëhet nga diku 800 lloje të cilat në natyrë paraqiten si pemë, tufa ose si lule zvarriste në pjesën tropikale dhe subtropikale të rruzullit. Loài này được Hance mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1862. Jul 6, 2012 - Ficus lyrata (a.k.a. Posted on December 2, 2020 by December 2, 2020 by Certain fig species (mainly F. cotinifolia, F. insipida and F. padifolia) are traditionally used in Mesoamerica to produce papel amate (Nahuatl: āmatl). [21] On the other hand, species of wasps pollinate multiple host fig species. Fiolfikus (Ficus lyrata) är en art inom familjen mullbärsväxter och i fikonsläktet. Synonymous: Ficus pandurata. The other includes section Urostigma s. s., subgenus Sycomorus, and the species of subgenus Ficus, though the relationships of the sections of these groups to one another are not well resolved.[5][29]. See more ideas about Ficus lyrata, Ficus, Fiddle leaf fig. The Ficus Lyrata, commonly called the Fiddle Leaf Fig or Pandurata is a beautiful specimen. No unambiguous older fossils of Ficus are known. Ficus pandurata; Chú thích. Ficus lyrata is an evergreen large tree of fast growth rate, when it is in the natural, with a height that often exceeds 25 m (82 ft). Not all these cryptic species are sister taxa and thus must have experienced a host fig shift at some point. Sodenang san jo nai mä Fiigen (Ficus). 8f�����D�p��$�6���-����1�nBU-[7G�Ĵ�Om�;c�r&g6�Z[S�_Nj�2e�D�|uK' ���N���N7D�lv���MP+�[ ﷮��MP�m�� )�ͨ���@�k\���&��P�j\��Q-Ao���u����6Tw[���FTK�U�aUW��+��O�E�!�çB������Bai)q From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Fernaldia pandurata (common name: loroco [loˈɾoko]) is a vine with edible flowers, widespread in El Salvador, Mexico, and other countries in Central America. Ficus is a pantropical genus of trees, shrubs, and vines occupying a wide variety of ecological niches; most are evergreen, but some deciduous species are endemic to areas outside of the tropics and to higher elevations. Ficus pandurata Hance var. From Wikispecies. [29] These remaining species are divided into two main monophyletic lineages (though the statistical support for these lineages isn't as strong as for the monophyly of the more derived clades within them). Fig wasps grow in common fig caprifigs but not in the female syconiums because the female flower is too long for the wasp to successfully lay her eggs in them. Height. Poisonous for pets: Toxic to cats, dogs and horses. Ficus benjamina : culture et entretien. [6] Ficus species richness declines with an increase in latitude in both hemispheres.[7][8]. [5][25][27][28][29] One of the two sections of Pharmacosycea, a monoecious group, form a monophyletic clade basal to the rest of the genus, which includes the other section of Pharmacosycea, the rest of the monoecious species, and all of the dioecious species. En 1891, Carl Ernst Otto Kuntze a nommé ce genre en l'honneur de sa chère sœur Clara et de son mari Walter Boesenberg. 2.700 proposatuetatik 830 inguru onartu dituzte adituek. Un simple voile sur le vitrage suffit à filtrer les rayons. [5][25][27][28][29] Of Corner's original subgeneric divisions of the genus, only Sycomorus is supported as monophyletic in the majority of phylogenetic studies. Växtindex. In Asia, figs are important in Buddhism and Hinduism. The species can be found in Vietnam: where it may be called sung tì bà.. References [41] The same species was Ashvattha, the "world tree" of Hinduism. This find predates the first known cultivation of grain in the Middle East by many hundreds of years. The Plaksa Pra-sravana was said to be a fig tree between the roots of which the Sarasvati River sprang forth; it is usually held to be a sacred fig but more probably is Ficus virens. The specific identification of many of the species can be difficult, but figs as a group are relatively easy to recognize. Ficus lyrata là một loài thá»±c vật có hoa trong họ Moraceae. Maladies et parasites s'attaquant aux ficus. So unless the plant was mislabelled, as sometimes happens in retail outlets, it is Ficus pandurata. Fikus (Ficus) Moraceae familiako generoa da. Synonymer; Ficus jollyana A. Chev. [24] The species currently classified within Ficus were originally split into several genera in the mid-1800s, providing the basis for a subgeneric classification when reunited into one genus in 1867. [15] The first crop (breba) is larger and more juicy, and is usually eaten fresh. Leaf Persistence. Ficus (/ ˈ f ɪ k ʊ s /) adalah genus tumbuh-tumbuhan yang secara alamiah tumbuh di daerah tropis dengan sejumlah spesies hidup di zona ugahari.Terdiri dari sekitar 850 spesies, jenis-jenis Ficus ini dapat berupa pohon kayu, semak, tumbuhan menjalar dan epifit serta hemi-epifit dalam familia Moraceae.Secara umum jenis-jenisnya dikenal sebagai ara, pohon ara atau kayu ara (Mink. It also states that the fruit which is black can be eaten.[10]. Nonetheless, the wasp pollinates the flower with pollen from the caprifig it grew up in. For the 2009 film, see. [14] The common fig (Ficus carica) is a gynodioecious plant, as well as lofty fig or clown fig (F. aspera), Roxburgh fig (F. auriculata), mistletoe fig (F. deltoidea), F. pseudopalma, creeping fig (F. pumila) and related species. Synonym: Ficus pandurata Sander. While the morphological characteristics that facilitate the fig-wasp mutualisms are likely to be shared more fully in closer relatives, the absence of unique pairings would make it impossible to do a one-to-one tree comparison and difficult to determine cospeciation. Jump to navigation Jump to search. When grown, the annual growth rate is moderate and does not exceed 15 m high (50 ft). Ficus lyrata, commonly known as the fiddle-leaf fig, is a species of flowering plant in the mulberry and fig family Moraceae. Loài này được Warb mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1894. Le Ficus ginseng est recommandé pour les jardiniers qui souhaitent se lancer dans l'art du bonsaï. Many fig species are grown for their fruits, though only Ficus carica is cultivated to any extent for this purpose. 8). Ficus pandurata (botanical/scientific). The hermaphrodite common figs are called "inedible figs" or "caprifigs"; in traditional culture in the Mediterranean region they were considered food for goats (Capra aegagrus). Form. For a list of other diseases common to fig trees, see List of foliage plant diseases (Moraceae). [16] Some parthenocarpic cultivars of common figs do not require pollination at all, and will produce a crop of figs (albeit sterile) in the absence of caprifigs or fig wasps. [15] In cold climates the breba crop is often destroyed by spring frosts. The genus Dorstenia, also in the fig family (Moraceae), exhibits similar tiny flowers arranged on a receptacle but in this case the receptacle is a more or less flat, open surface. Collectively known as fig trees or figs, they are native throughout the tropics with a few species extending into the semi-warm temperate zone. See more ideas about Ficus lyrata, Ficus, Fiddle leaf fig. [12] The long flowers styles tend to prevent wasps from laying their eggs within the ovules, while the short styled flowers are accessible for egg laying.[13]. Uncategorized ficus lyrata symbolism. [5], According to meta-analysis of molecular data for 119 fig species 35% (41) have multiple pollinator wasp species. Indian banyan (F. bengalensis) and the Indian rubber plant, as well as other species, have use in herbalism. Flowering Period (Tropics) Aprill – June. All figs possess a white to yellowish latex, some in copious quantities; the twig has paired stipules or a circular stipule scar if the stipules have fallen off; and the lateral veins at the base of the leaf are steep, forming a tighter angle with the midrib than the other lateral veins, a feature referred to as "triveined". Posted on December 2, 2020 by December 2, 2020 by Uncategorized ficus lyrata symbolism. ����C�)&. Classification APG III (2009) Classification APG III (2009) Clade Angiospermes Clade Monocotylédones Clade Commelinidées Ordre Zingiberales Famille Zingiberaceae Boesenbergia est un genre de plante de la famille des Zingibéracées . Taxonavigation . Ficus pandurata var. He is of completely human appearance although he tends to shrivel up when he gets dehydrated. It can grow up to 12–15 m (39–49 ft) tall. -- Ficus lyrata, [syn.] It is native to western Africa, from Cameroon west to Sierra Leone, where it grows in lowland tropical rainforest. Temperature: Temperature:Temperatures between 60 - 75°F (15 - 24°C are suitable. Espèce qui a une croissance rapide. Leaves and trunk: You'll see by the picture to the left the leaves have prominent veins through the center and from the center to the edge of … Ficus é un xénero de arboriñas da familia Moraceae.Entre as especies do xénero áchanse as figueiras e os ficus.Hai máis de 1.000 especies de figueiras no mundo, especialmente en climas tropicais e subtropicais (o xénero Ficus é un dos maiores do reino vexetal).O representante tipo é a figueira (Ficus carica), cultivada en … Ficus L., 1753 è un genere di piante della famiglia delle Moraceae, che comprende oltre 800 specie originarie delle zone equatoriali, tropicali e subtropicali.. Di queste circa la metà sono dioiche (cioè esistono piante funzionalmente maschio e piante femmina che producono frutti con semi fertili), le altre sono monoiche (cioè nei … The common fig is one of two significant trees in Islam, and there is a sura in Quran named "The Fig" or At-Tin (سوره تین). Il se différencie du ficus benjamina grâce à ses feuilles plus épaisses. It was used to make mummy caskets in Ancient Egypt. Ficus pandurata), commonly known as the fiddle-leaf fig, is a species of fig tree, native to western Africa, from Cameroon west to Sierra Leone.It grows in lowland tropical rainforest.. Many have aerial roots and a distinctive shape or habit, and their fruits distinguish them from other plants. Grown by United Nursery, the large shiny leathery leaves of the Ficus Lyrata Pandurata Plant create a striking architectural display in any home or office. [20] Additionally, recent genetic and molecular dating analyses have shown a very close correspondence in the character evolution and speciation phylogenies of these two clades. It … Morphological and reproductive behavior evidence, such as the correspondence between fig and wasp larvae maturation rates, have been cited as support for this hypothesis for many years. En effet, il est de culture plutôt facile, mais il n'aime pas trop être déplacé. Fiddle Leaf Plant Care. Figs are keystone species in many tropical forest ecosystems. linearis Migo Sung tì bà , sung tỳ bà hay sung lá đàn , [1] tên khoa học Ficus pandurata , là một loài thá»±c vật có hoa trong họ Moraceae . Fiolfikus (Ficus lyrata) är en art inom familjen mullbärsväxter och i fikonsläktet. Liên kết ngoài. �|r�_�index.html �}�n,G�س��֞!�bW���&��sxn�9�!%yVҖ�����n��f�uFƼ��.`؀��6����Øy0��-��o8"2��U��E����]��׭�����=����3����+v���W�'�V��/�'����L�h�&��Z�����goj�6�"���B[�5/����Y�����Phfdֆ[[GǮ� �K25�k��!������&�K�(� ���!h5 �b0/���� ?B�f���㈈3��o���q��s#�F���/jl,CǵH\GT�C6�� ��՘�q���Yma����W�X�)P�sl���-�7��g!Fu��GVdg��Һ�|aZ�ư`J>�����5�|�pL�Y�� >��p&L�����_��֑.��0E8,�6Sl���znE�E3�BȖ���_�È�D�@�Dږ{�a����\k̡qg��Ȗ �!��O�:f$�� [4] Fig species are characterized by their unique inflorescence and distinctive pollination syndrome, which uses wasp species belonging to the family Agaonidae for pollination. It grows in lowland tropical rainforest. Y�ݺnKJ�P [GR�(,�q��+.c>�1τ�>�y�����^��k�#]�"�m�F.�@�:���k�k/ �2P4l���R+X����w�|��h�D�!�0��� In temperate climes, wasps hibernate in figs, and there are distinct crops. El Ficus lyrata o pandurata, es un árbol de lento crecimiento y vigoroso. Växtindex. Pou (F. religiosa) leaves' shape inspired one of the standard kbach rachana, decorative elements in Cambodian architecture. 8-15 m (26-50 ft) Indoors: 0.90-3 m (3-10 ft) Diameter. Le ficus est une plante sensible aux insectes et à un entretien négligé. Fernaldia pandurata (common name: loroco) is a vine with edible flowers, widespread in El Salvador, Mexico, and other countries in Central America.. Fernaldia pandurata is an important source of food in Guatemala and El Salvador.The plant's buds and flowers are used for cooking in a variety of ways, including in pupusas.. Fig trees Temporal range: Maastrichtian–Present PreꞒ Ꞓ O S D C P T J K Pg N Sycamore fig, Ficus sycomorus Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Clade: Tracheophytes Clade: Angiosperms Clade: Eudicots Clade: Rosids Order: Rosales Family: Moraceae Tribe: Ficeae Dumort. Nahiz eta 800 espezie inguru izan, ezagunena pikondoa da.. Espezie hautatuak. Ficus (/ ˈ f ɪ k ʊ s /) adalah genus tumbuh-tumbuhan yang secara alamiah tumbuh di daerah tropis dengan sejumlah spesies hidup di zona ugahari.Terdiri dari sekitar 850 spesies, jenis-jenis Ficus ini dapat berupa pohon kayu, semak, tumbuhan menjalar dan epifit serta hemi-epifit dalam familia Moraceae.Secara umum jenis-jenisnya … Ficus carica), frutet e të cilit përdoren si ushqim i zakonshëm.Ky grup përbëhet nga diku 800 lloje të cilat në natyrë paraqiten si pemë, tufa ose si lule zvarriste në pjesën tropikale dhe subtropikale të rruzullit. Växtportalen. References ^ Växtportalen. [9], The 1889 book The Useful Native Plants of Australia records that Ficus aspera had the common names "Rough-leaved Fig", "Purple Fig" and "White Fig" and that Indigenous Australians of the Rockhampton region referred to them as "Noomaie" and in Cleveland Bay (Queensland) "Balemo". Il est originaire d'Inde et de Chine et a fait son apparition en Franc In the tropics, Ficus commonly is the most species-rich plant genus in a particular forest. Ficus pandurata is a fig species in the family Moraceae.No subspecies are recorded and the native range of this species is southern China and Indo-China. Commonly known as the fiddle leaf fig because its large leaves resemble a fiddle (or violin), the Lyrata enjoys bright indirect light indoors.
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