She then taunted Kratos by telling him that his simple mind would never find a way out of the garden, although he eventually did. En este mundo cruel e implacable debe luchar para sobrevivir, además de enseñar a su hijo a hacerlo también, e impedir que cometa los mismos errores sangrientos que el Fantasma de Esparta. Kratos also took a tattoo identical to his brother's birthmark. Kratos tells Atreus that he has met many annoying spirits before. Providing no valid reason, Ceryx only managed to infuriate the God of War. Kratos es el protagonista principal de todos los juegos de la saga God of War. They're just about to retrieve part of his chisel when Magni appears who was battling an ogre, snapping his neck, until he notices the duo. Después de una pequeña batalla reñida, Ares envía a Kratos a otra dimensión, diciéndole que él adoptaba muchas formas de matar a un hombre, pero que la mejor forma de matar a alguien era quebrantándole su espíritu, es por eso que Kratos cae en una plataforma en donde solo había un templo, el templo en el que años anteriores había matado a su familia. Atenas siendo destruida por Ares y su ejército. Atreus realizes that the giants prophesied their journey. Kratos saw through it and, progressing further into the prison, found the Scribe of Hecatonchires, the first mortal to ever be imprisoned by the Furies. Also from the same wound, he now has a long scar covering almost all of his lower back. Magni tells them to surrender, but Kratos refuses, to which Magni draws his weapon and prepare himself for battle. Enfurecidas, Alecto y Tisífone atacan, Kratos se las arregla para recuperar los Ojos, y Alecto se transforma en un monstruo marino similar al Kraken. Kratos, ultimately regaining his will to live, engaged the Kraken in battle and killed it. Kratos shrugged off her warnings, confident that nothing would stop him. Kratos regresa a su antiguo hogar, donde se reencuentra con Orkos, a quien Kratos muestra su gratitud por ayudarlo a liberarse de las Furias y de Ares, pero Orkos le revela que cuando lo capturaron, Alecto lo hizo devuelta el guardián de su juramento y, por lo tanto, Kratos seguía sometido a Ares y que la única forma de liberarse era matar a Orkos, pero Kratos se rehúsa, afirmando que derramó demasiada sangre inocente, pero Orkos lo convence al decirle que debe liberarse de la influencia de Ares y obtener su venganza. Heracles ahora se mueve más rápido pero no usa tanto los puños, intentará aplastar a Kratos en varias ocasiones y lo arroja lejos para luego lanzarle pedazos de rocas, una vez que Kratos va a darle el golpe final, Heracles usa su fuerza para levantar el suelo y así hacer caer a Kratos, pero este último se sujeta y logra subir, golpeando el suelo que está siendo levantado por Heracles, logra hacer que el suelo aplaste a Heracles, ahora que está indefenso, Kratos golpea incesantemente el rostro de Heracles hasta el punto de desfigurarlo y de destruir la base que soportaba a ambos guerreros, los dos caen en un estanque. Atlas gave Kratos some of his power and lifted him back to the surface, where he continued his journey into the Palace of Fates. Su fuerza sobrenatural le da capacidad de completar grandes hazañas como dominar armas divinas, al Basilisco, Hidra, el Coloso de Rodas, Titanes y dioses. Icarus tackles Kratos, causing them both to fall off the ledge and plummet to Underworld. He showed regret and remorse in her death, showing that he still loved her. [3] Biografía ficticia. Although he is sometimes prone to outbursts when disciplining his son, he almost always manages to regain control of himself before doing any damage. Gaia attempts to justify herself, but Kratos simply ignores her and begins cutting through whats left of her arm. The giant realizes he'd been double-crossed, but he did not care, as his plan was complete. The goddess, however, refused to provide a clear answer, and instead offered him an intentionally vague promise of forgiving his past sins. Erinys was sent by Thanatos to stop Kratos from saving his brother. The enraged Spartan taunted the King of the Gods, reminding him that with Athena's death, there was no one left to protect him. Before Kratos and Atreus can finish their journey, Mimir says that they should leave him here, as he doesn't want a decomposing head ruining the father-son moment. Entonces de pronto el mar empieza a subir y a inundar la tierra, matado a la mayoría de la gente, salvo los que se encuentran en las montañas mas altas. As they journey back, they encounter Baldur once again, but this time, he encounters a flashback to when he first got his power of invulnerability. In an effort to practice control, Kratos would often "test" himself by venturing into the woods in search of enemies. His hopes were ultimately crushed when Kratos revealed that Icarus was dead (although the Spartan neglected to mention that he was the one who killed him by ripping off his wings and allowing him to fall into Hades), causing Daedalus to sob uncontrollably. Atreus is the son of Kratos and Laufey the Just. When Atreus asks why the rune looks different, Sindri explains that it had to be reforged. Having escaped Hades' torment, he traveled to the Island of Creation for two reasons: to change his fate and exact revenge on Kratos. Kratos atravesando las trampas del laberinto. To this end, he asked Kratos to retrieve the Omphalos stone (unbeknownst to Kratos, it was contained in the belly of the Titan Cronos), promising to make him a special weapon with it. Freya cast a spell on him to prevent him from dying, however, this also made Baldur not feel anything, from food, temperature, women, etc. He comments that Zeus, Ares, and Athena chose the wrong "marked warrior" that day: it was Kratos who should have been taken away, not Deimos. In retribution for her betrayal, Kratos sends Gaia plummeting from Olympus. Kratos would continue to "test" himself, resulting in him not being home very often. Kratos le dice que la unica recompensa sería saber dónde esta la llama del Olimpo, a lo que Helios le dice que nunca vencerá a Zeus. Sensing a plot at work, Kratos followed the last remnants of light on the horizon, eventually reaching the Temple of Helios and the city of Marathon. Se ve el ojo de Kratos con llama azul. Al derrotar a escorpiones se adentra más en la caverna. Después de una batalla brutal y el uso de los ojos para romper las ilusiones de las Furias, Kratos ataca a Tisífone, quien con cada golpe se transforma en cada ilusión que Kratos conoció (El Rey de Esparta y Él mismo sin las cenizas en su cuerpo); y cuando la toma del cuello, toma la apariencia de su esposa, haciéndolo dudar en ese momento, pero se recompone y procede a estrangularla y Tisífone realiza su última ilusión: Transformarse en el Oráculo de la aldea que Kratos quemó y donde accidentalmente mató a su familia, advirtiéndole, con una sonrisa burlona que él se busco todo esto, luego muere estrangulada. Kratos is een personage in de God of War-serie van computerspellen.Het personage verscheen voor het eerst in het spel God of War uit 2005.. Kratos werd het hoofdpersonage in de spelserie en verscheen daarnaast ook in aanverwante stripboeken en novelles. In fact, the one and only time Kratos is shown to be happy is when he briefly reunites with his daughter, Calliope, in Chains of Olympus. It is implied he failed repeatedly until, in one instance, he encountered wolves and succeeded in fending them off. Megaera released insects into Aegaeon's hands and mouth, mutating them into insect-titan hybrids. Using a nearby catapult, he knocked the Sun God into Perses' grasp. Continuing on, Atreus notices how the realm is in constant warfare between the Dark Elves and the Light Elves. It's also revealed that his mother is none other than Freya herself. Kratos volverá hasta el principio del inframundo ya que allí se encontraba un portal de Hiperión, y se introduce en él. Kratos rushes home via boat to retrieve his Blades of Chaos (which have been there for 50 years) while being goaded and taunted by Athena about his past that he'll always and forever, will be, a monster. Atreus, still angered over the insults recklessly shoots arrows at him before showing early signs of sickness again. Con la muerte de Zeus, Kratos pierde las cadenas pegadas en sus antebrazos, Zeus se volatiliza. Hephaestus, knowing full well what Kratos intends to do with Pandora, demanded that he stay away from her, telling him that it's his fault that she is imprisoned in the Labyrinth and the reason that Hephaestus was exiled to Hades. Knowing that the dangers of the outside world will inevitably come, Kratos changed his mind and he and Atreus began their journey. Kratos gets angry with her for not telling him about her true identity and they leave without thanking her. Arriving to congratulate Kratos, Athena asked him to turn over the power he claimed from Pandora's Box, stating that mankind was now ready to hear her message. They start the journey back to Tyr's Temple where Mimir explains Hrimthur's story, he adopted the guise of a mortal and promised the Aesir that if he can finish building the wall around Asgard within two years and finished it, he would meet with Freya, and if not, they will owe him nothing. Solo faltaba montar un puente para llegar a él, en cuanto Kratos se enfrenta a un soldado desconocido, que resulta ser el guerrero espartano que le invocó en Rodas, el cual le comunica una terrible noticia a Kratos antes de morir: Mientras él estaba en la isla y todo el mundo pensaba que había muerto, Zeus atacó la ciudad de Esparta por sorpresa y la destruyó por completo con sus poderes divinos como venganza contra Kratos. Kratos no duda en aceptar. Al entrar en esta sala un centauro ataca por la espalda a Kratos, después de la lucha Kratos lo destripa y ve que está encima de Ares, acciona una palanca y sube hasta donde estaba Gaia.Y el hipocampo aparece y Kratos se engancha a él. Kratos, que ha dejado atrás el mundo de los dioses, deberá adaptarse a tierras que no le son familiares, afrontar peligros inesperados y aprovechar una segunda oportunidad de ejercer como padre. The Oracle is horrified by Kratos' past deeds and asks why Athena would ever call on someone like him. Über seine ersten Jahre ist nicht sonderlich viel bekannt, doch es ist anzunehmen, dass er einige Jahre nur mit seiner Mutter zusammen lebte, ohne Beisein von Kratos, da dieser nichts über die Jagdfähigkeiten seines Sohnes weiß. After spreading her ashes, Atreus voices his confusion over his name on the wall, saying the Giants called him 'Loki'. Kratos expressed surprise at seeing her alive, to which she responded that the world bleeds because of all of the destructon he caused by killing the Gods. Reaching the Great Chasm, he was confronted by an elderly Icarus, who had by this point lost his sanity. Mientras Kratos corta los árboles en tablas, Atreus recita una palabras al cuerpo de su fallecida madre, posterior a eso, Kratos pone el cuerpo sobre una pila de madera cortada y luego le prende fuego. Whilst giving pursuit to Persephone, he realized that he would never have the chance to be with his daughter again. The Underworld God was not finished, however, drastically increasing his size and emerging from the River Styx in a last ditch effort to destroy his enemy once and for all. Es allí donde se encuentra con el dios de la guerra, quien se encontraba hablándole al cielo, criticando a su padre Zeus, y reprochándole que si estaba viendo lo que su hijo podía hacer, lo poderoso que él era y ahora aún más, porque la Caja de Pandora ahora le pertenecía a él. However, Athena had a different plan for the Spartan; she saved his life and offered him the now empty throne of the God of War on Olympus. Atreus explains that he saved her life. Kratos replied that it was the only thing he could hope for now since he could not go back to Elysium. Al percatarse de que las cadenas que sujetaban a Atlas estaban rotas, Kratos se pregunta quién pudo hacerlo. Kratos took Hermes' boots, using them to traverse wide chasms and proceed further into the halls of Olympus. The Ghost of Sparta, having somehow survived, discovered that he is cursed to walk the Earth forever as punishment for his terrible deeds. He would continue to attempt this until he was on a boat, which caused it to crash and for Kratos and the Blades to both wash up on the shore. He was saved by Athena and Helios, who stripped him of his powers and equipment, leaving him unconscious upon the cliffs overlooking the Aegean Sea. Ahora Kratos persigue a Hermes mientras este llevará cierta ventaja en su camino, Hermes se alejará demasiado y Kratos deberá usar una catapulta para arrojarse a sí mismo junto con una roca hacia una estatua edificada en honor a la diosa Atenea, este logra con la roca hacer que la estatua se desplome haciendo que Hermes caiga herido en esta acción (si miras la lado derecho de la cabeza de la estatua de daras cuenta que en el piso se encuentra una de las posesiones divinas la cual es la "Moneda de Hermes"). Blaming Kratos for the deterioration of her garden along with all other forms of life on Earth, she ineffectually struck him but was easily pushed aside. Además, en God of War: La Ascensión, su primera aparición canónica, realmente lamenta la muerte de Orkos y el Oráculo de Delfos, incluso dando a Orkos una pira funeraria decente. Along the way, Poseidon granted him the power of lightning and implored him to use it against the Hydra. In all of the main installments of the series, Kratos is killed at some point by impalement through his abdomen. Kratos finally gives Atreus the bag of his mothers ashes. At Faye's request, Kratos did not raise Atreus and instead hunted for the family and trained to control his rage. Realizing that his death was nigh, he insulted Kratos one last time by calling him a coward who kills his own kin. Insulted by the mortal's defiance, Ares prepared to kill the young Spartan but was stopped by Athena. Kratos se enfrenta a Teseo, quien protege a los Corceles del Tiempo por el honor de las Hermanas del Destino y tras una larga batalla logra matarlo y robar la llave del guardián de los caballos con la que activa a los Corceles del Tiempo. Este movimiento es similar a uno de los fatalities del personaje Kai de Mortal Kombat 4, que apareció mucho antes de God of War. Kratos follows behind and lands on Baldur's dragon. Pero es allí donde ve la estatua con la espada dorada gigante que simulaba un puente, así que esquiva el golpe de su enemigo y arranca la espada de la estatua, plantándose así en una segunda pelea con el dios, dispuesto a aniquilarlo por lo que le hizo. The Titan then crushed him in his hand and threw him across the city. While heading back to Tyr's Temple, Atreus angrily accuses Kratos of not loving Faye before Kratos and Atreus argue until they both reconcile. As he continued his journey, he questioned Gaia over her reason for aiding him. Kratos and Atreus finally reach the giant's fingers, with Kratos unraveling his bandages saying that he has no more to hide. The Ghost of Sparta slowly ascended the Chain of Balance until he reached a chamber containing Pandora's Box. In spite of his cruel acts, Kratos is shown to care deeply for his wife and daughter, with the memories of their deaths driving him to the point of madness. Callisto lied to Kratos, saying that Deimos was dead and it heavily affected him. Kratos lo persigue a través de Grecia con el fin de descubrir la identidad del líder del asesino, que está tratando de poner a los Dioses en su contra. Am I to face this foolish peasant, without even a proper weapon?" She informed him that the Sisters had the power to travel back in time, which he could use to reclaim the Blade of Olympus and take his revenge on Zeus. He understood why Baldur was going to kill Freya but warned him that vengeance would not bring him peace and was forced to fight and kill Baldur to protect Freya. He also discovered his path to redemption through continual service to Olympus. Kratos begged Gaia for aid but Gaia refused to help Kratos, for if she did, they would both fall. While Kratos was moved by this, he still chose not to help Hephaestus. Initially believing her to be nothing more than an object, she reminded Kratos so much of his daughter that he grew to care for her as his own child. Aparece el espectro de Atenea y le dice que a hecho bien, que ahora el mundo purificado en el caos podrá oir su mensaje. After putting Deimos in a grave dug by the enigmatic Grave Digger, Kratos stated that his brother was now free. Like all Spartan youth, Kratos was monitored and trained for combat by the Spartan authorities; those who were deemed fit were to stay and be trained as Spartan warriors, while those who were deemed unfit would be sent to the mountains (probably Mount Taygetos) to fend for themselves. Kratos se despierta en su mente, con una figura negra y sus marcas rojas brillantes, corre y ve a su familia, ve como él mismo las asesina, sigue su camino y encuentra a Pandora toda azul y se desintegra en una llama azul como la Llama del Olimpo, y coge una lámpara, la enciende con la llama y sigue su camino, vuelve a encontrar a su familia y esta vez se cerca y las abraza, se desintegran ellas también en un fuego azul, va borrando las huellas de sangre con la lámpara, ve como asesina a Atenea, le dice sus últimas palabras y ella también se desintegra. After a vicious fight, Ares traps Kratos in a psychological void where demonic incarnations of himself attempt to kill phantom versions of his family. Faye wished to name the boy "Loki", but agreed to name the boy Atreus in honor of a soldier whom Kratos fought alongside and respected. Pandora se molesta y le dice algo que hará que Kratos piense de una forma un poco más madura: "La esperanza es lo que nos hace más fuertes. Yielding defeat, Kratos put down the Blade of Olympus and asked the King of Gods to release him from his torment, to which Zeus responded: "I will release you from your life, my son, but your torment is just beginning" before moving in to kill the Spartan. Chasing the monster off, he received another vision, this time of his childhood training with his brother Deimos. God of War (literalmente en español Dios de la Guerra) es una serie de videojuegos en 3ª. Después de salir de la Cámara de Afrodita, y de tener una breve conversación con Hefesto, el dios lo convence para que recupere la Piedra del Ónfalos de las Fosas del Tártaro, por lo que se puede hacer con ella un arma especial. As a result, Zeus killed Kratos and also, to make him suffer, he destroyed Sparta. Lysandra was Kratos' first wife. With the Gods of Olympus incapacitated, Kratos was tasked with finding and rescuing Helios before Morpheus could seize control of the land by covering Greece under his Black Fog. Atreus ist der Sohn von Kratos und der sekundäre Hauptcharakter in God of War.. Biographie Bearbeiten. Back on Mount Olympus, on the outskirts of the city of Olympia, Helios rode by on his chariot and threw some fireballs at Kratos, prompting him to give chase. For now that the world was cleansed by chaos, she would rebuild it under her rule, using the power of hope. Mimir is surprised that Zeus was his father. In a climactic battle, Thanatos took Deimos' life, only to have an enraged Kratos take his in return. He is also more considerate of others' feelings as well, as he sternly reproaches Atreus when the latter asking Sindri the reason for Brok's blue skin while he himself doesn't. Mimir reminds to never go beyond the bridge. Kratos expressed shock at her survival, only for Gaia to blame the Ghost of Sparta for the destruction of her planet (not realizing that Kratos and Gaia shared the same goal of destroying the gods, and that the destruction he caused would have happened anyway). At first, he mistook him for Aphrodite but then realized his error. Freya explains that she has paid many times and if seeing herself dead will make things better, she lets Baldur strangle her. Su ira incontrolable es su fortaleza y debilidad más grande pero al pasar de los años empezó a tener control sobre su ira pero ahora controla la ira hasta cierto punto y la usa de una mejor manera, solo en combate. Kratos finalmente localiza a su madre Calisto, quien le revela la identidad secreta de su padre, pero Kratos solo escucha sonidos muy débiles. He also cared for his younger brother Deimos and his mother Callisto, with their deaths further contributing to his growing hatred for the Gods of Olympus. After avoiding many traps and fighting enemies, they manage to break the chains holding the temple in place and Kratos was able to flip the temple and manages to recover the travel stone. Also in Tyr's chambers, he destroys a vase with his image during his "Ghost of Sparta" period on it. Cuando haya la salida, se encuentra saliendo de una tumba en Atenas, que días antes un misterioso ermitaño que había charlado con Kratos, había estado cavando. However, he easily broke through Zeus' defenses and slammed him against a rock, causing black smoke (presumably Fear) to escape from Zeus' mouth. Kratos attempts to kill Baldur, but Atreus reminds him he is beaten. Before he could defeat the beast, however, an unknown Assassin killed it in his stead, apparently trying to destroy his reputation on Olympus. Pandora sale y le dice que debe ir a la llama, porque al sacrificar su vida podrá destruir la llama del Olimpo y la caja estará libre, pero Kratos la detiene, le dice que encontrará otra forma de como vencer a Zeus, pero esta le dice que no hay otra forma. However, once Kratos began a conquest of Greece and refused to listen to Athena’s pleas to stop, and she had no other choice but to help Olympus rid themselves of Kratos. Zeus then expressed regret over taking pity on Kratos, calling it the "greatest mistake" he had ever made, before telling Kratos that taking pity on Pandora would be his greatest mistake. Después del enfrentamiento y antes de acabar con él, el Rey pide compasión a cambio de riquezas, mujeres y reinos. During his time there, Athena appeared before him when he left to find a cure for his son because of his illness. Unable to defeat Cronos head-on, Kratos used his wits and skills and managed to avoid Cronos but instead damage parts of his body. Una vez que Heracles se encuentre desprotegido, arrasará con todos los soldados y peleará a solas con Kratos, en un momento de celebración, Kratos logra golpear a Heracles por detrás y le arrebata uno de los cestus que tiene Heracles y golpeándole con ella le arrebata el que le falta, así, Kratos se gana los "Cestus de Nemea" ahora la pelea será a puños. SemidiosesDioses God of War Wiki - La base de datos más amplia en español con toda la información sobre la exitosa saga God of War. Orkos did his mother's bidding as oath keeper and did not question her until Ares tricked Kratos into killing his family. Al llegar hasta los dominios de Hades, Kratos ve a su hija Calíope entrar al interior de un templo y luego de seguirla, se topa cara a cara con la esposa del señor del Inframundo, Perséfone quien le propone a Kratos que a cambio de sus poderes, le permitirá reencontrarse con su hija quién se encontraba en los Campos Elíseos y le permitiría descansar en paz, libre de sus pecados.
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