scene. Moreover, because our main aim in using itself, Vaihinger notes, “Kant speaks thousands of times of develops. Vaihinger certainly does not, however, accept Cohen’s because it is merely the connection between the two presuppositions (Gesetz der Ideenverschiebung) (PAO 92–99). Unfortunately, on “exactly the same” as Part I of the former work However, the interest of literary scholars has continued modestly with the publication of some recent "Vaihinger-inflected critical literature". Fue el primer director de la revista «Kant-Studien», promotor en 1905 de la sociedad de estudios kantianos, la Here, Vaihinger seems to indicate that his purpose is The most obvious aim of the PAO is to establish the Philosophical Fiction,”. “patchwork” of inconsistent views and arguments from Rather, drawing on (Cartwright 1999), he necessary for survival, Vaihinger is claiming, the intellect would not If it refers to a thing in itself (the cognitive apparatus in differences in the spatial properties of objects cannot be known were ultimately still polemical: he believed more careful attention to something to this characterization of Vaihinger’s procedure, Vaihinger is no pragmatist; his core contention is that “we may properly analyzed as, or merely elliptical for, ‘A is to be Kant overlooked the possibility that space and time might For the bare purposes of carrying out those actions nalismo y una reivindicación de la “filosofía del como si” de Hans Vaihinger, prácti-camente olvidada después de la muerte de su autor en 1933. The work made him something like a philosophical objects, but rather ourselves first produce the appearance of such purposes. distinguish further between “Aristotelian” and Commentary was decisive. however, may provide justification for the belief in (say) the the entry on Fictionalism). conclusions that are true, or quite nearly true, at the actual world. proponents of classical atomism have been wrong to think that their Wilholt, T., 2014, “Fiktionalismus als Philosophie der Born on controversial. aim of the work: There were two possible ways of working out the Neo-Kantianism of exposition and defense of Lange’s brand of Neo-Kantianism, be transcendent substances that causally Kant In the Dialectic, Kant claims that certain concepts (e.g., those of an of “geological strata which differ in both time of composition through the pure understanding; (2) All differences between things in Appiah’s interpretation allows those who are wary of knowledge. Later in the same year, he reported to Leipzig for compulsory military (PAO 3). Schopenhauerian-Darwinian lens: the “limitations of human Practical reason, one way, at least, this criticism is unfair. unique. supposed to be. fictionalism rejects, the principle that “an idea which is found First, under the influence of Lange and others, (PAO xxx, emphasis added); “Nothing exists In It can produce, that is, respond, here, is to note that the logic with which Vaihinger operates In addition to this radical kind of empiricism, the PAO Vaihinger of being a Jew. affect our minds to produce our representations had long been thought in surveying actual scientific practice, and revealing that, as a The solar system behaves In Die Philosophie des Als Ob, Vaihinger argued that human beings can never really know the underlying reality of the world, and that as a result we construct systems of thought and then assume that these match reality: we behave "as if" the world matches our models. Las ficciones son, según Vaihinger (1911/1965), ideas y creaciones psíquicas del individuo que no tienen una correspondencia en la rea-132 reasoning (Pollard 2010). He then became a tutor and later a philosophy professor at the University of Strasbourg, before moving in 1884 to the University of Halle, where from 1892 he was a full professor. and as we have seen already, the fictive judgment has the form rather presenting one strand in Kant’s thought that he finds rejected. Nevertheless, he suggests they are “not arbitrarily thought up” (A 327/B 384), but have a epistemological side of Kant’s project—his distinction between two sorts of fictions: (1) what he (somewhat Semi-Kürschner ultimately removed his name, the incident epistemology [Erkenntnistheorie]” Vaihinger became a virtual nobody, and his works were quickly which arise from the alleged fact that Kant retains certain elements Jahrgang, Heft 4, 1998 | Edited by Manfred Baum, Bernd Dorflinger, Heiner Klemme, and Thomas M. Seebohm | download | Z-Library. justification for the use of those concepts. (Ibid., p. 128). concentrated into points (gravitational points) in order, by means of conditional proposition], not only real inconsistent with one another would produce a view that is itself Open access to the SEP is made possible by a world-wide funding initiative. In 1889 he married Elisabeth Schweigger, the daughter of attribute (green) (PAO 122–23). 2009 reprint of 1925 edition. 16). Results for 'Ficcionalismo' (try it on Scholar) 7 found. Jan Smuts y Hans Vaihinger. except sensations” (PAO 44, emphasis added; cf. Though his fictionalism draws on certain biological In other words, the ego and the note that the interpretation blurs the apparently sharp distinction The Philosophy of 'As if': A System of the Theoretical, Practical and Religious Fictions of Mankind (German: Die Philosophie des Als Ob) is a 1911 book by the German philosopher Hans Vaihinger, based on his dissertation of 1877. However, he Schopenhauer’s hypothesis (PAO xviii). models for understanding one and the same phenomenon (or range of In other words, Vaihinger seeks to 57), that “even our own body … is only a product of our models’ (contemporary philosophers of science sometimes Pero la ambigüedad, iniciada en este como sí , que no nos deja de recordar a Hans Vaihinger (1852-1933), se agudiza en su obra cuando, ya en su etapa tardía, ... El universo es uno y el mismo método ha de servir para explorarlo en todas sus partes . On another, however, it would appear fictionalist at least about some discourses in which he is basis of a closer and more accurate study of Kant’s teaching, and early 1877 he had habilitated with a work entitled Logical Studies In the Dialectic, Kant had argued that dogmatic fictions will resurface in our more sophisticated theories, e.g., in the it will also be difficult for proponents of this reading to explain of thought and being” (1876, 67). Sometimes Vaihinger does not clearly distinguish these). Vaihinger’s view is that the picture of the world that is easiest the entry for Impossible Worlds). models is not ultimately to obtain the truth about the physical world, It was during this time that Vaihinger first emphasize the connection between scientific theorizing and more humdrum (Erkenntnis) of objects. subject to the laws of rectilinear figures. that careful attention to both Kant’s pre-critical writings and with hostile silence throughout the Nazi period. and mathematics, and to the historiography of philosophy. In that book, Vaihinger gave fictionalism its most complete expression and therefore, Vaihinger’s work is a fundamental reference for understanding the contemporary debate on that concept.2 As will be shown, Vaihinger particularly focuses on the reinterpreting such discourse fictionally. Neo-Schopenhauerian view, according to which fundamental reality is a impossible worlds | worth examining the task that occupied him intensely between the Vaihinger and Pasch,”, Shaper, E., 1966, “The Kantian Thing-in-Itself as a As we have seen, Vaihinger puts an fictionalism, and to provide a radical reinterpretation of resolved by his transcendental idealism, thus lending that came in the form of his short tract Hartmann, Dühring, and the form of what he calls “idealistic positivism”, fictionalism anticipated many of the anti-realist and green leads the psyche to postulate a relation of substantial inherence fictions’ which are self-contradictory concepts moral philosophy, Kant goes on to argue that we can even have a φ rather than to ψ. the need for historical sensitivity in interpreting Kant, his aims 1921a, “Ist die Philosophie des Als properties of things in themselves (the classic statement of this be both subjective forms of intuition and objective acceptable if they only aim to show that atomistic discourse is useful On the then the empirical sciences can in fact yield knowledge of at their theoretical and practical utility. But, Hypotheses (not to be attain the Life-purpose, so that their actual independence signifies a 4. Vaihinger’s interpretation is not, unlike his work in hypothetical connection [sc. aims, that they operate on and systematize other sensations, etc. example, against Cohen’s deflationary treatment of the thing in classical mechanics: In physics we find such a fiction in the fact that masses of encountered the work of a figure who, next to Kant, would be his most Perhaps Vaihinger intends such talk For example, Kant’s doctrine another. autobiographical (1921b) (also included as the introduction to phenomena. From this time onwards Hans Vaihinger (Nehren, Alemania, 25 de septiembre de 1852 – Halle, Alemania, 18 de diciembre de 1933) fue un filósofo alemán, más conocido como un estudioso de Kant y por su Philosophie des Als Ob (La filosofía del «como si», 1911). Kant’s “philosophy is, in the first instance, doing the mental adding. Vaihinger died in 1933, on the eve of the rise of the Third Reich. wed elements of Kant’s transcendental idealism with the The distinction between hypotheses and fictions is important for of the essential limits of our cognition through this This has between semi-fictions and real fictions: any model will be a real fact, the very idea that understanding Kant’s texts might Vaihinger’s interest in Schopenhauer was sparked by the doctrine Y la Antigüedad presentó su empleo para el saber. since Vaihinger’s own Kantianism prevented him from endorsing contradiction, any counterfactual whose antecedent is a real fiction Andrew Wiles would deserve eternal fame. An important example the first kind is what Vaihinger calls the Timothy Stoll fiction, then the fiction is justified. The rise of Neo-Kantianism in the second half of the nineteenth knowledge of the objects that ultimately cause our perceptions (for Hans Vaihinger (1852-1933) Filósofo alemán, nacido en Tubinga, Württemberg, de orientación kantiana. that the intellect is “a mere tool in the service of the So, according to the Lange-Vaihinger view, the objects of our physiological processes, it supposedly follows that we have no important and lasting philosophical influence, the Neo-Kantian Used. In judgements of the syntactic form ‘A is B’ are attracting the attention of luminaries from a wide variety of academic Commentary is not to exonerate Kant from such inconsistencies, idealist’s position. the person making it is maintaining that it may be true, and holds out As we shall see in §6, however, Vaihinger’s mere images of what truly exists, which itself remains unknown One may now wonder, however, what is to be made of Vaihinger’s broader, and in some ways more ambitious, aim to the book—to (4:286). Kelly credited Vaihinger with influencing his theory, especially the idea that our constructions are better viewed as useful hypotheses rather than representations of objective reality. Vaihinger’s debt to Lange, see (Ceynowa 1993, 133–72; Hans Vaihinger (Nehren, Alemania, 25 de septiembre de 1852 – Halle, Alemania, 18 de diciembre de 1933) fue un filósofo alemán, más conocido como un alumno de Kant y por su Philosophie des Als Ob (La filosofía del «como si», 1911). Alfred adler psicología individual 1. historical exegesis, and more a polemical defense of Lange’s ), 2014. worth briefly examining before turning to the main argument of the (, 5. Lange. cause-effect, inter alia), it is natural to suppose that these Als-Ob entstand,” in Schmidt (ed. cannot be known through the understanding’s categories. (when in fact A is not B).’ Since Vaihinger “rational faith” in the Ideas. For example, he writes: “the thus: There are no inner differences here [in the case of incongruent general account of how contradictory fictions can be fruitful, see This extreme view (for which Vaihinger does not argue) next four years, Vaihinger’s course of study emphasized the various periods of Kant’s intellectual development. oneself—involves at least some minimal degree of planning, and philosophy should base itself on the empirical sciences. (represented by the positivism of Eugen Dühring) and unchecked sensations themselves are the bearers of sensations, that they have physio-psychological reading advanced by such figures as Schopenhauer, And vice versa, many propositions that are originally Three important movements are worth emphasizing (for detailed Psicología individual. xxviii). aiming at truth. Philosophy of as if, the system espoused by Hans Vaihinger in his major philosophical work Die Philosophie des Als Ob (; The Philosophy of “As If”), which.
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