Ella era la amante de Athelstan , a quien amaba profundamente antes de su muerte . At the end of Season Four, he demands that his son fight the Great Heathen Army commanded by Ragnar's sons, but Aethelwulf's army is defeated. King Ecbert was the worldly and ambitious King of Wessex and Mercia, whose formative years were spent in the court of the Emperor Charlemagne. Lagertha and Athelstan stay behind to begin work on the settlement on the lands given by King Ecbert while Ragnar, Aethelwulf and the rest go to fight for Mercia. Incluso es reacio a entregar a Ragnar al Rey Aelle (Ivan Kaye) de Northumbria, algo que Ragnar quiere desesperadamente. Athelstan is tasked with interpreting and preserving the many scrolls of Roman parchment. MIS ESCENAS FAVORITAS (32) : VIkings Ragnar: El Vidente me dijo, que estaba destinado a morir el día en que el ciego me viera.Pero tú, tú tienes que matarme. Habiendo profundizado en la mente militar de César , el rey Ecbert utiliza sus nuevos conocimientos para enfrentar la última incursión , la más grande hasta la fecha ,de Ragnar Lothbrok en wessex ,esta incursión incluye las fuerzas de el Rey Horik y la condesa Instad . Historia. Al comienzo de la quinta temporada, el Rey Ecbert se rajó las venas en los baños de su palacio para no tener que enfrentarse a la furia de los hijos de Ragnar tras la muerte de este. And is hinted that Ecbert believes him to be a saint. According to legend, and also asserted in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Cerdic was a decendant of Wōden, the Anglo-Saxon name of. Egbert (771/775–839), también escrito Ecgberht, Ecgbert, o Ecgbriht, fue rey de Wessex desde 802 hasta su muerte en 839. Livelihood: Ragnar continua con su lucha por las tierras de Mercia. Hay pocos datos sobre Aelle y la datación de su reinado es problemática. His rival, Beorhtric, gained the support of the powerful King Offa of Mercia to seize the throne of Wessex in 786 AD, while Mercia asserted it's dominion over Kent. nar planea su muerte Se revela más evidencia cuando el Rey Ecbert de Wessex (Linus Roache) le dice a Ragnar que prefiere no matarlo. No había ninguna trampa preparada. Portrayed by Ragnar se interesa por Athelstan y pi… Pero las historias que narran no son meras copias de los clásicos del género, sino que se ven discursivamente redefinidas y remasterizadasal pasar por el filtro de la postmodernidad, evolucionando de los maniqueos cantares épico-legendarios hacia maquiavélicas histo… MADRID, 2 Feb. (CulturaOcio) - Vikings se ha despedido de sus espectadores con la season finale de su cuarta temporada a la altura de las expectativas.El popular drama histórico que … Ecbert and his fellow king, Aella of Northumbria, never met in real life and were not even comtemporaries. King Ecbert, in turn, is able to recruit a contingent of Viking warriors willing to fight as mercenaries for Princess Kwenthrith in her campaign to rule the kingdom of Mercia. Ealhmund of Kent † (father) While in truth, it is to hide his true ambitious, selfish, hypocrite and unscrupulous personality. Confounded by Ecbert's tactics, taking heavy losses, and assailed from all sides, the Vikings are forced to fight their way out of the trap and into headlong retreat. Athelstan tiene la tarea de interpretar y preservar muchos rollos de pergaminos romanos.Desde los pergaminos,Athelstan transmite a Ecbert relatos detallados de las estrategias en el campo de batalla de las legiones romanas . Ecbert's father was King Ealhmund of Kent, who was himself the great-grandson of one Ingild, a brother of King Ine of Wessex (reigned 688-726 AD). Unlike many of his fellow Christians in Wessex, Ecbert possesses an understanding of a pagan culture like the Vikings, mainly as a result of his fascination with the Romans and their world-view prior to their Christianization. King of Wessex and Mercia (formerly)King of East Anglia (formerly)King of Kent (formerly) Latest appearance: Ecbert however is not at all a religious or God-fearing person. La serie sigue ampliamente las hazañas del legendario jefe vikingo Ragnar Lothbrok y su tripulación, y más tarde las de sus hijos. Additionally, upon realizing that Ragnar's brother, Rollo, had been wounded and captured during the battle, Ecbert had his life spared and his wounds tended to. Manner of Death: Judith † (Daughter-in-law)Aethelred † (Grandson)Alfred (Step-Grandson) Under his reign, Wessex grew powerful and came to incorporate the powerful Kingdom of Mercia under their yoke. Ecbert, like Ragnar, receives a vision of Athelstan. The king puts the monk in charge of his treasury of ancient Roman relics and documents left over from Rome's domination of Britain centuries prior. Su padre fue Ealhmund de Kent . Character Information Ecbert also mentions that after he lost his first wife he swore to never marry again, hinting her loss had a deep impact on him probably turning him what he is. Aethelwulf also notices he was willing to sacrifice him besides Ecbert denying it. In the "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" created during the reign of Alfred the Great, King Ecgbert of Wessex was said to have had three children with his wife Redburga; Æthelwulf, Saint Eadgyth of Polesworth, and Ã†thelstan. Ecbert: ¿Tenemos qué hablar de la muerte? ¿Por qué tuvo que morir Aethelwulf? He had developed a strong respect for his new foe/ally Ragnar Lothbrok. When Queen Kwenthrith is the victim of a Rebellion, Ecbert sends his son to protect her and to promise to help her to regain her kingdom. King Ecbert of Wessex was a decendant of Cerdic I, a Saxon conquerer that founded Wessex. In 825 AD, King Ecbert accepted the submission of King Sigered of Essex (the East Saxons) and annexed the entire kingdom (composed of the modern English counties of Essex, Hertfordshire and Middlesex), adding them to the growing Kingdom of Wessex. La historia reconoce al rey Egberto como la persona que fue capaz de llevar el reino de Wessex a la cabeza de la Heptarquía Anglosajona, nombre dado antiguamente al conjunto de reinos del centro, sur y este de la isla de Gran Bretaña, con lo que le arrebató a Mercia el poder que ostentaba entre los siete r… Ecbert fue enjaulado por los hijos de Ragnar (Travis Fimmel), quienes no sabían qué hacer con el monarca y autodenominado amigo de su padre. After Ragnar's death by the hand of King Aelle, Ecbert loses reason and the will to live. Later historians decided that Æthelstan was Æthelwulf's oldest son, rather than his brother. An ambitious and open-minded man of strength, knowledge and the willingness to use those qualities decisively. Wessex, England During a conversation with Aethelwulf he explains he has no true friends and that is better this way. Ecbert's name was alternately spelled as Egbert, Ecgbert, Ecgberht or Ecgbriht. Ecbert, like Ragnar, wants Athelstan close by and asks him to remain in Wessex. Vikings ahora está en su sexta y última temporada, y los fanáticos están esperando que lleguen los episodios finales. Ecbert reigned from 802-839 AD, while Aella is believed to have died around the year 867 AD and was only king of Northumbria for several years at that. "Invasion" Death: Un hombre ambicioso de mente abierta con fuerza, sabiduría y la voluntad de usar esos atributos decisivamente, el Rey Ecbert representa una batalla digna para su nuevo enemigo/aliado, Ragnar Lothbrok. Ecbert accepts and promises Ragnar he will spare Ivar. Ragnar y Ecbert se tenían mucho respeto y con … Él sabe que sus hijos regresarán y se vengarán de su pueblo. Ragnar demands Ecbert to kill him but he refuses again. Athelstan está presente en la incursión del monasterio y es tomado prisionero por los vikingos. He wants to be delivered to King Aelle and blame him for his death. Nevertheless, his excessive personality had not demised his status as a great King. Después de su muerte , más tarde se convirtió en la amante del Rey Ecbert , su suegro . Un rey guerrero muy fuerte y capaz, Aethelwulf estaba a la vanguardia de expulsar a los vikingos de las tierras de wessex. https://vikings.fandom.com/es/wiki/Rey_Ecbert?oldid=1939, Cenaría con el Diablo si él me mostrara cómo alcanzar mis metas terrestres. Ecbert betrays King Aelle, his ally, becoming the King of Mercia. There is a school in Sheffield, England named after King Ecbert (King Ecgbert school) which originally sat on 2 sites named Wessex and Mercia. 2015 a las 15:00 Actualizada el 3 dic. Linus Roache Las fuerzas de Wessex y los vikingos van a la batalla contra Mercia. The Reckoning Athelstan is tasked with interpreting and preserving the many scrolls of Roman parchment. Having saved Athelstan from a cross - the monk having been crucified for apostasy - Ecbert regards Athelstan as a kindred spirit, and one versed in Latin. Las fuentes sobre la historia de Northumbria en este período son limitadas. Ecbert appreciates that the Roman gods allowed them rule the world and grasps the implications of that notion. Children: When Ecbert learns that Ragnar is captured, he returns to his castle. Debido a esta circunstancia, las nuevas series de televisión ambientadas en la Edad Media están alcanzando un gran éxito entre el público contemporáneo. El rey Ælle de Northumbria, según algunos relatos históricos, fue responsable de la muerte del héroe vikingo Ragnar Lothbrok . Ragnar is placed in the big room and he and Ecbert share a moment. Vikings Wiki es una comunidad FANDOM en TV. 62 But when he broaches the subject of her staying with him instead of going back to her earldom, she tells him that she had fun with him but that she knows he only cares for himself. He is furious at his son, seeing Ragnar in a dungeon. Judith de Northumbria era la hija del Rey Aelle de Northumbria y la esposa del Príncipe Aethelwulf de Wessex , debido a un matrimonio arreglado , antes de su muerte . Ecbert Los historiadores del siglo XX lo consideraban poco práctico y piadoso; ya en el siglo XXI se lo vio muy diferente, como un rey que hizo consolidar el poder de su dinastía, alentó el respeto en todo el continente y trató con mucha más efectividad a los vikingos que sus antecesores. Princess Kwenthrith makes a desperate move against King Ecbert in this scene from Season 4 Episode 8, "Portage." By making a deal with Bjorn and giving lands to the Vikings (which he is not legally able to do since he isn't king anymore), King Ecbert hopes to stall the Vikings long enough for his family and people to evacuate, forcing the Vikings to retreat and protect the lands they believe to be theirs by "legal" right. Aethelwulf † (Son) Habiendo Salvado a Athelstan de una cruz , el monje fue crucificado por apostasía , Ecbert considera a Athelstan como un espíritu a fin y versado en latín . From the scrolls, Athelstan conveys to Ecbert detailed accounts of the battlefield strategies of the Roman legions. Appearance Count: In the meantime, he has been sleeping with Lagertha and showering her with gifts. Allied with King Aelle of Northumbria, Ecbert ambushes the advancing Viking horde with a multiple-pronged attack that includes both mounted cavalry and infantry. Ecbert takes this opportunity to elaborate on the conditions of their deal. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Rollo's release is part of the deal later struck between Ecbert and Ragnar that granted the Northmen 5,000 acres of good farming land, as well as a quantity of gold and silver. Fue considerado como el responsable de asentar el buen gobierno de su hijo, Alfredo el Grande. Significant Other/s: AKA: Sihtric sin embargo murió un año después y Athelstan invadió y atacó la región. I would sup with the devil if he would show me how to achieve my earthly goals. Después de la batalla de Repton y el asalto a la villa real de wessex por el Gran ejército pagano, Aethelwulf sucedió a su padre como rey poco antes de la muerte de Ecbert. Title: Aliado con el rey Aelle de Northumbria , Ecbert embosca a la horda vikinga que avanza con un ataque múltiple que incluye tanto la caballería montada como la infantería . http://ew.com/tv/2017/02/01/vikings-finale-death/, https://vikings.fandom.com/wiki/Ecbert?oldid=42085. Parents: Ragnar promises that his sons will not attack Wessex. When Aelle suggests finishing off the Northmen, however, Ecbert demonstrates his keener political vision, responding that more might be gained by negotiating a truce. El Rey Ecbert Sabiendo lo que le había sucedido al Rey Aelle no quiso correr la misma suerte ,y él mismo se arrebató la vida con una muerte dulce. He shows no regret about ordering the massacre of the Norse settlement after having helped Lagertha build it nor shows respect for his fellow kings like Aelle and Kwenthrith behind their backs as he plans to overthrow both of them to became Bretwalda (ruler of Britain). Suicide Lagertha is the first to notice his selfish, ambitious personality after their time together. The king puts the monk in charge of his treasury of ancient Roman relics and documents left over from Rome's domination of Britain centuries prior. Ecbert, heir to the throne of Kent and possessing a claim to the throne of Wessex, was forced into exile to Francia after the death of his father. Después de la batalla , el rey aelle expresa sorpresa por la habilidad de ecbert como táctico, El contenido de la comunidad está disponible bajo. Behind the Scenes Un hombre ambicioso de mente abierta con fuerza, sabiduría y la voluntad de usar esos atributos decisivamente, el Rey Ecbert representa una batalla digna para su nuevo enemigo/aliado, Ragnar Lothbrok. First appearance: El Rey Ecbert es el rey mundano y ambicioso de Wessex, cuyos años formativos los pasó en la corte del emperador Carlomagno. The name Ecbert means "bright edge" from the Old English elements. The real-life contemporary king of Northumbria for Ecbert of Wessex in the year 800 AD (the setting of Season 2) would have been King Eardwulf (reigned 796-806 AD). Rey Ecbert (Linus Roache) Durante las primeras temporadas de «Vikingos», el monarca británico Ecbert fue uno de los mayores enemigos de Ragnar … We see the respect and admiration that Ragnar and Ecbert have one for the other, during their exchange, and mostly Athelstan misses them. To the point of saving him and giving him a place in his court and more importantly, his trust. It is because of his qualities as a ruthless yet great ruler which prompted Wigstan to crown him King of Mercia, for he sees within Ecbert a man who will ensure the end of Mercia's civil war and bring about order and prosperity under his reign. 'Vikings' mantiene el buen nivel del 3x01 con un capítulo más introspectivo respecto a los que nos tiene habituados. Lleva tu comunidad favorita contigo y no te pierdas de nada. Kwenthrith becomes enraged after discovering he has overthrown her, and asks how he can sleep at night, in an anger that culminates into her attempting to kill him, which promptly leads to her own death. Ecbert had no surname, Ealhmund was just the name of his father, King Ealhmund of Kent. However Ecbert shows a truly kind and caring side with Athelstan. Initially, Ragnar is still in his cage but Ecbert frees him, he thinks that Ragnar will kill him but Ragnar demands him to kill him. Finally, Ecbert learns that Ragnar's strategy is to be killed then his son would come to avenge him. Having saved Athelstan from a cross - the monk having been crucified for apostasy - Ecbert regards Athelstan as a kindred spirit, and one versed in Latin. He assures his son, as well as Judith, that Ragnar is just one man. He stays with Edmund when the city is evacuated, where he plans to trick the Vikings into a false sense of security. El principal objetivo de la muerte de Ragnar fue preparar la destrucción tanto del rey Ecbert como del rey Ælle. Naufragó en las costas de Northumbria, Ragnar fue capturado. Vikings se encuentra en medio de su quinta temporada y ya ha ofrecido una de las batallas más épicas de la temporada, preparando el tablero para un desconcertante final. Later, Aethelwulf warns him that Ragnar has returned. Aunque su muerte dejó un enorme vacío en Vikings , Ragnar seguirá siendo siempre uno de los pilares del espectáculo y uno de los mejores protagonistas de la serie. Though the series depicts Ecbert as king of Wessex in the approximate year 800 AD, Ecbert was not crowned until 802 AD. En la década de 780 , Egbert se vio obligado a exiliarse por causa de Offa de Mercia y Beorhtric de Wessex , … La cuarta temporada de la serie de televisión de drama histórico Vikings se estrenó el 18 de febrero de 2016 en History en Canadá, y concluyó el 1 de febrero de 2017, consta de diez episodios. Season/s: Allegiance: Después de la muerte del obispo Edmund (Philip O’Sullivan) – de f… El hijo del rey sufrió un terrible destino en la temporada 5 y los fanáticos han estado hablando sobre su muerte prematura. When Kwenthrith learns that Ecbert wants to take over Mercia for himself, she kills Waerferth, one of his men and tries to kill him, but dies because of Judith. 2, 3, 4 Status: Even unbeknownst to him that Athelstan is dead, Ecbert thinks about him and treats his son Alfred as his own grandson. Age: However, King Ecbert had a plan and demands Bishop Edmund to crown Aethelwulf as new King of Wessex and Mercia. El rey pone al monje a cargo de unas antiguas reliquias romanas y documentos sobrantes del dominio de roma sobre gran bretaña siglos antes . Bjorn (Alexander Ludwig), sus hermanos y el ejército vikingo ingresaron sin ninguna resistencia a Wessex y de inmediato quemaron y saquearon. Solo un rey que tenía un último deseo. Ragnar es arrojado a un pozo, un cubículo lleno de serpientes venenosas . El rey Ecbert visita el asentamiento vikingo. Athelstan has begun a liaison with Judith, which King Ecbert deliberately ignores, hoping that the relationship will make Athelstan want to stay in Wessex. King Aelle is aware of his ambitions, after he takes control of Mercia and is in a relationship with Judith, Aelle confronts him and his answer is "Get used to it". Bretwalda (Ruler of Britain)King of Kings "The Reckoning" Kwenthrith † (Ex-Lover)Lagertha † (Ex-Lover)Judith † (Ex-Lover) Relatives: King (formerly) Él suplica a los vikingos que le perdonen la vida y comienza a hablar en su lengua materna, para sorpresa de Ragnar. Lagertha y el rey Ecbert Durante la tercera temporada de Vikingos, la guerrera conoce al rey Ecbert cuando visita Wessex tras un acuerdo con … He takes Athelstan into his confidence, sensing that men like his son, the devout Prince [[Aethelwulf]], and his advisor, the Bishop [[Edmund]], would disapprove of his interest in pagan religions and culture. Ecbert was the grandfather of King Alfred the Great, who led the Anglo-Saxon resistance against the Danes after they conquered the kingdoms of Northumbria, East Anglia and northern Mercia. Sinopsis Capítulo 9 | 'The Choice' Los guerreros vikingos de Ragnar marchan a casa del rey Ecbert y se encuentran con una sangrienta fiesta de … Ecgberht Ealhmunding La tercera temporada de la serie de televisión de drama histórico Vikings se estrenó el 19 de febrero de 2015 en History en Canadá, y concluyó el 23 de abril de 2015, consta de diez episodios. House of Wessex King Ecbert poses as a friendly, understanding and trustworthy character. El Rey Ecbert es el rey mundano y ambicioso de Wessex, cuyos años formativos los pasó en la corte del emperador Carlomagno. Mientras el frenesí tóxico apaga su respiración, aún se revela una venganza: su hijo atacará al Rey, ebrio y entristecido por tener que dar fin a su némesis. When the vikings return to England, they sup with King Ecbert with whom they are now amicable. Siggy no se deja engatusar por los encantos de Harbard. To translate and deal with the Roman texts. Habiendo Salvado a Athelstan de una cruz , el monje fue … Praying alone in a church he is shown speaking to God that he has no fear of going to hell or sacrifice everyone else close to him to achieve his goals. Aella (o Ælle) (muerto el 21 de marzo de 867) fue rey de Northumbria a mediados del siglo IX. In exchange for this, King Ecbert requests that he choose his own death, thereby stealing the satisfaction of his death from the avenging brothers. Al ser interrogado por Ragnar sobre cómo aprendió la lengua vikinga, Athelstan le dice que en el monasterio los monjes son animados a viajar a "Difundir la Palabra de Dios". Ecbert was named as the Bretwalda (ruler of Britain) in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle after he conquered the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia from King Wiglaf and received homage from the Northumbrians. El Rey Ecbert acepta y la tierra de Wessex sirve de cementerio para el gran vikingo. He tells the vikings that they must now fight to return Kwenthrith to the throne of Mercia as a show of good faith. This was in the same year that Ecbert had reconquered the Kingdom of Kent, which he had one been the heir to before his father, Ealhmund, was killed by his Mercian rivals in 784 AD. Rey Ecbert En español conocido como Egberto, que aunque parezca un nombre de abuelo de pueblo se trata de alguien poderoso pues fue Rey de Wessex y posteriormente Rey de Mercia (algo que ocurre en la cuarta temporada y que consigue con sangrientas conspiraciones). Ecbert would eventually be restored as King over Wessex and Kent with the aid from the Frankish Emperor Charlemagne. Deceased la victoria de el rey ecbert es decisiva . 32. Full name: Vikingos es un popular drama histórico y presenta al Rey de Wessex y Mercia, Aethelwulf. La serie sigue ampliamente las hazañas del legendario jefe vikingo Ragnar Lothbrok y su tripulación, y más tarde las de sus hijos. King Ecbert's victory is decisive. Es un personaje importante en Ragnarssona þáttr (El relato de los hijos de Ragnar). Las fuerzas de Wessex y los vikingos van a la batalla contra Mercia. Rollo, he realized, was an important and potentially useful captive. Ragnar: La muerte ha sido lo más importante en mi mente durante toda mi vida. Home: Confundidos por las tácticas de Ecbert , sufriendo grandes pérdidas y asaltados por todos lados , los vikingos se ven obligados a luchar para salir de la trampa y retirarse cabeza . Having delved into the military mind of Caesar, King Ecbert puts his new knowledge to use when confronting the latest incursion - the largest to date - by Ragnar Lothbrok into Wessex, this raid including the forces of King Horik and Lagertha. Edmund is killed by Hvitserk and after having left lands to Ragnar's sons, Ecbert commits suicide in his bath once that Ragnar's sons have accepted the choice of his death. Ecbert cares about almost no one and is willing to sacrifice everyone else including his son Aethelwulf and others close to him to achieve his goals. Rey Ecbert 'Vikingos': Así son los actores fuera de la serie Por Custodio Guerrero/ Marta González Diezma — 13 mar. In the aftermath of the battle, King Aelle expresses surprise at Ecbert's skill as a tactician. His masterful tactics as a warrior led to King Ecbert expelling the Vikings from his lands for a time being with the aid of a standing army of well-trained warriors. Varios reyes se rindieron con lo que Athelstan logró hacerse al mando de todo el norte de Gra… Ecbert refuses, then they speak faults committed by each other. Watch Knightfall, Mondays at 10/9c! Consiguió que su hermana se casara con Sihtric en 926 y con esto consiguió que se abstuvieran ambos reyes de invadir sus territorios. Ælle hizo que lo arrojaran a un pozo lleno de serpientes venenosas.
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