[12] Shen Kuo received his initial childhood education from his mother, which was a common practice in China during this period. [79] In any case, Shen Kuo's writing on magnetic compasses has proved invaluable for understanding China's earliest use of the compass for seafaring navigation. [167] At the garden estate there are also displayed marble banners, statues of Shen Kuo, and a model of an armillary sphere; a small museum gallery depicts Shen's various achievements. Kitajski znanstvenik Shen Kuo (1031–1095) je prvič opisal postopek tiskanja na premikajočih se glinenih blokih in pripisal izum malo znanemu umetniku Bi Shengu (990-1051).. 3. All Categories; Metaphysics and Epistemology [93] Shen Kuo noted that bamboos do not grow in Yanzhou, located in northern China, and he was puzzled during which previous dynasty the bamboos could have grown. His father was Shen Chou and his mother's family name was Hsu. [23] In a brilliant display of diplomacy, Shen Kuo came to the camp of the Khitan monarch at Mt. Shen Kuo. [73], Shen hypothesized that rays of sunlight refract before reaching the surface of the earth, hence people on earth observing the sun are not viewing it in its exact position, in other words, the altitude of the apparent sun is higher than the actual altitude of the sun. [36] Robert Temple and Joseph Needham suggest that certain pottery vessels of the Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD) showing artificial mountains as lid decorations may have influenced the raised-relief map. [81] They were also interested in archaeological pursuits, although for rather different reasons than why Shen Kuo held an interest in archaeology. The Song dynasty philosopher Zhu Xi (1130–1200) wrote of this curious natural phenomenon of fossils as well. [62] In his formula "technique of intersecting circles", he created an approximation of the arc of a circle s given the diameter d, sagitta v, and length of the chord c subtending the arc, the length of which he approximated as s = c + 2v2/d. Shen Kuo was born in Qiantang (modern-day Hangzhou) in the year 1031. In his written work, Shen Kuo made the first known explicit reference to the magnetic compass-needle and the concept of true north. És ez volt egy kínai tudós, Shen Kuo (1031-1095), aki először írta le a mozgó agyagblokkokra történő nyomtatás folyamatát, és a találmányt egy kevéssé ismert Bi Sheng (990-1051) kézművesnek tulajdonította.. 3. "Chinese Marine Cartography: Sea Charts of Pre-Modern China,". [30] These nine activities were an extension to the older so-called Four Arts of the Chinese Scholar. [149], Shen Kuo's Dream Pool Essays consists of some 507 separate essays exploring a wide range of subjects. [82] Being a knowledgeable musician, Shen also suggested suspending an ancient bell by using a hollow handle. [87] The Daoist alchemist Ge Hong (284–364) wrote of the legendary immortal Magu; in a written dialogue by Ge, Ma Gu described how what was once the Eastern Sea (i.e. Syntax; Advanced Search; New. 3. Shen Kuo (or Shen Gua Chinese: 沈括; pinyin: Shěn Kuò; Wade–Giles: Shen K'uo; 1031–1095) was a Chinese scientist and politician.He lived during the Song Dynasty.He was a polymath, being good at many fields of study.. Shen was the son of Shen Chou 4 ( ca. He inferred that the land was reshaped and formed by erosion of the mountains, uplift, and the deposition of silt, after observing strange natural erosions of the Taihang Mountains and the Yandang Mountain near Wenzhou. [21] Shen took advantage of this meeting to copy some of Su's poetry, which he presented to the Emperor indicating that it expressed "abusive and hateful" speech against the Song court; these poems were later politicized by Li Ding and Shu Dan in order to level a court case against Su. Gunpowder. [169], Other achievements in science and technology. [127] In 1718, during the mid Qing Dynasty (1644–1912), the scholar of Tai'an known as Xu Zhiding developed movable type with enamelware instead of earthenware. [135] Shen held a special interest in fate, mystical divination, bizarre phenomena, yet warned against the tendency to believe that all matters in life were preordained. [152] During his years of retirement from governmental service, Shen Kuo compiled a formulary known as the Liang Fang (良方; Good medicinal formulas). [168], ^ a: See the article Society of the Song Dynasty. "[161] Yao states of Shen's thorough recording of natural sciences in his Dream Pool Essays: We must regard Shen Kuo's collection as an indispensable primary source attesting to the unmatched level of attainment achieved by Chinese science prior to the twelfth century. Aug 6, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by biubiu~. Media in category "Shen Kuo" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total. [155] In the tradition of the popular Song era literary category of 'travel record literature' ('youji wenxue'),[156] Shen Kuo also wrote the Register of What Not to Forget, a traveler's guide to what type of carriage is suitable for a journey, the proper foods one should bring, the special clothing one should bring, and many other items.[157]. [147] For example, only six of Shen's books remain, and four of these have been significantly altered since the time they were penned by the author. [122] The earlier Bi Sheng had experimented with wooden movable type,[123] but Wang's main contribution was improving the speed of typesetting with simple mechanical devices, along with the complex, systematic arrangement of wooden movable type involving the use of revolving tables. Riječ je o eksplozivnom materijalu koji se dobiva iz smjese drvenog ugljena, soli (kalijev nitrat) i sumpora i koristi se za paljbu projektila ili za pogon. He even made milestone contributions to art and literature. [93] Around the year 1080, Shen Kuo noted that a landslide on the bank of a large river near Yanzhou (modern Yan'an) had revealed an open space several dozens of feet under the ground once the bank collapsed. [88], It was Shen Kuo who formulated a hypothesis about the process of land formation (geomorphology) based upon several observations as evidence. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. [74][75], However, it was not until the time of Shen Kuo that the earliest magnetic compasses would be used for navigation. It was there that Shen Kuo spent the last several years of his life in leisure, isolation, and illness, until his death in 1095. [28] A few years after Song Dynasty military forces had made victorious territorial gains against the Tanguts of the Western Xia, in 1080 Shen Kuo was entrusted as a military officer in defense of Yanzhou (modern-day Yan'an, Shaanxi province). [151], Although the Dream Pool Essays is certainly his most extensive and important work, Shen Kuo wrote other books as well. [119] This includes Zhou Bida's Notes of The Jade Hall (玉堂雜記) printed in 1193 using the method of baked-clay movable type characters outlined in the Dream Pool Essays. Shen Kuo (Cheenese: 沈括; 1031–1095), coortesy name Cunzhong (存中) an pseudonym Mengqi (nou uisually gien as Mengxi) Weng (夢溪翁), wis a Han Cheenese polymathic scientist an statesman o the Song dynasty (960–1279). He was the head official for the Bureau of Astronomy in the Song court, as well as an Assistant Minister of Imperial Hospitality. [74][78] Shen Kuo asserted that the needle will point south but with a deviation,[78] stating "[the magnetic needles] are always displaced slightly east rather than pointing due south."[74]. For example in 16 AD, the Xin Dynasty usurper Wang Mang called for the dissection of an executed man, to examine his arteries and viscera in order to discover cures for illnesses. Prvi je opisao proces tiskanja na pokretnim glinenim blokovima, pripisujući izum malom poznatom majstoru po imenu Bi Sheng (990-1051).. 3. [104] Shen Kuo also wrote of solar and lunar eclipses in this manner, yet expanded upon this to explain why the celestial bodies were spherical, going against the 'flat earth' theory for celestial bodies. [29] During the autumn months of 1081, Shen was successful in defending Song Dynasty territory while capturing several fortified towns of the Western Xia. Shen implemented an improved version of the camera, nearly 2000 years later. Jauhe. Det er et eksplosivt materiale, der er fremstillet af blandingen af trækul, saltpeter (kaliumnitrat) og svovl og bruges til at brænde projektiler eller til fremdrivning. your own Pins on Pinterest [90] Shen wrote that in the Zhiping reign period (1064–1067) a man of Zezhou unearthed an object in his garden that looked like a serpent or dragon, and after examining it, concluded the dead animal had apparently turned to "stone". [155] Only quotations of it survive in the Shuo Fu (說郛) collection, which mostly describe the agricultural implements and tools used by rural people in high mountain regions. [23] Shen Kuo soon impressed Wang Anshi with his skills and abilities as an administrator and government agent. "Preliminary Notes on Sung Archaeology,", Sarkar, Tapan K., Magdalena Salazar-Palma, and Dipak L. Sengupta. [85] Shen wrote that while viewing the whole of a mountain, the distance on the instrument was long, but while viewing a small part of the mountainside the distance was short due to the device's cross piece that had to be pushed further away from the observer's eye, with the graduation starting on the further end. [113] When Wei and Shen made a public demonstration using the gnomon to prove the doubtful wrong, the other ministers reluctantly agreed to correct the lunar and solar errors. [19] Shen lamented: "If only she were a man, Wenrou would be my friend. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Shen-Kuo, MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive - Biography of Shen Kua. [18], Shen Kuo wrote extensively on a wide range of different subjects. Tao, Jie, Zheng Bijun and Shirley L. Mow. [12] Since Shen was unable to boast of a prominent familial clan history like many of his elite peers born in the north, he was forced to rely on his wit and stern determination to achieve in his studies, subsequently passing the imperial examinations and enter the challenging and sophisticated life of an exam-drafted state bureaucrat. one of Shen's nephews), among whom it has been kept as a precious possession until now. In 1088, Shen was the first to describe the magnetic needle compass, which would be used for navigation. Shen Kuo also wrote the Changxing Ji (長興集; Collected Literary Works of [the Viscount of] Changxing). [100] Improving the 5th century model of the astronomical sighting tube, Shen Kuo widened its diameter so that the new calibration could observe the pole star indefinitely. Hargett, James M. "Some Preliminary Remarks on the Travel Records of the Song Dynasty (960–1279),", Hartman, Charles.
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